The Ping Pong Player and the Professor

An Anthropologist Explores Fatherhood and Meaning in an Extraordinary Sport

Release Date: November 6, 2023

ISBN (print): 978-1-7360750-8-1

ISBN (e-book): 979-8-9880886-6-0

Most Americans view ping pong as either a basement recreation or the focus of a fraternity-party drinking game. Yet ping pong is an Olympic sport and one of the most popular athletic activities in the world. The Ping Pong Player and the Professor is a quirky memoir about the adventures of a Jewish anthropologist and his son, an elite player, in the colorful world of competitive table tennis.  The tale of their exploits is peppered with anthropological wisdom—the professor can’t help himself—on a range of topics, including ethnicity, religion, sport, family, and how humans create and discover meaning. In a deeply divided world, this window into a hidden subculture provides a refreshing glimpse of people from myriad ethnicities, religions, and backgrounds coming together around a common passion. At its core, though, The Ping Pong Player and the Professor is a heartwarming story about the love between a father and son, two introverts who share a common bond over a nine-foot by five-foot table.

Praise for The Ping Pong Player and the Professor

With the objectivity of an anthropologist and the passionate engagement of a father, Professor Sosis guides us on a multifaceted journey through parenthood, table tennis, and Jewish life and practice with humor, contagious curiosity, deep insight, and broad knowledge. This book is a gift to both head and heart, especially for anyone who struggles with life across multiple worlds. —Ariel Burger, The Witness Institute

A very engrossing read, full of humor, fun, and the love between a father and son. A fascinating exploration of the table tennis world from a unique perspective. I give this book five stars. —Danny Seemiller, 5-time US National Men’s Table Tennis Champion

An intimate window into the quirky world of table tennis, full of poignant insights reaching well beyond the sporting world. —Will Shortz, New York Times Crossword Puzzle Editor