Wildhouse Publishing produces books under several imprints. Each imprint is described below, with links to more detailed information. 

Wildhouse Publications (WHP) exists to enliven the spiritual quests of people outside or on the margins of established religious and spiritual traditions through books that are thoughtful, accessible, impactful, and practical. WHP publishes mainly nonfiction from authors who have a vital message. WHP’s authors and their books are wonderfully varied, each engaging some part of the Wildhouse audience.
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Wildhouse Fiction seeks writers who engage readers’ imagination and encourage them to find authentic ways of seeing and experiencing life in the midst of its complexities. We look for stories with a clear and recognizable voice, one rooted in reality and carried by the natural music of language. These stories should reflect Wildhouse Publishing's commitment “to bring transformative spiritual insights to readers for whom traditional religious expressions may not fit.”
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Wildhouse Poetry seeks writers who engage readers’ imagination and encourage them to find authentic ways of seeing and experiencing life with all its complexities. Their work deepens readers’ understanding of this life, widening their vision to grasp previously undiscovered realities—in their own life, in the lives of others, and in the reality of the physical world to which we belong. Our interest is in poetry that roots readers in what James Joyce referred to as “the reality of experience,” offering them insights that sometimes border on epiphanies, the sort that remind us that our lives are subtler and more complex than we often imagine. Such poems should suggest something of what Robert Frost described as “an idea caught fresh in the act of dawning.”
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The Wildhouse Crossings imprint is dedicated to engaging radical Christians and former Christians who care about the Christian project and message, who may have deep concerns about the present and future of Christianity, and whose spiritual journeys take shape around some aspect of the Christian tradition. In secularizing nations, people on the creative margins of Christianity and people who have disaffiliated are legion – and growing quickly. Books from Crossings connect with these fascinating people, offering thought-provoking insights and practical help and support.
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