About the Wildhouse Crossings Imprint

The Wildhouse Crossings imprint is dedicated to engaging radical Christians and former Christians who care about the Christian project and message, who may have deep concerns about the present and future of Christianity, and whose spiritual journeys take shape around some aspect of the Christian tradition. In secularizing nations, people on the creative margins of Christianity and people who have disaffiliated are legion – and growing quickly. Books from Crossings connect with these fascinating people, offering thought-provoking insights and practical help and support.

Books from Wildhouse Crossings

We have amazing Crossings books in the pipeline. Stay tuned! For now, see Books and Home.

Submissions to Wildhouse Crossings

Proposals for the attention of Wildhouse Crossings should be submitted through whp.submittable.com. Look for Wildhouse Crossings General Submissions.

Note: Wildhouse Crossings is currently OPEN for submissions. Submissions will close February 28, 2025.