Picture of Donna SpruijtMetz

Donna SpruijtMetz

Donna Spruijt-Metz is an emeritus psychology professor, MacDowell fellow, rabbinical school drop-out, and former classical flutist. Her debut poetry collection is General Release from the Beginning of the World (2023, Free Verse Editions). She was featured as one of “5 over 50 debut authors” in Poets & Writers Magazine (11/23). She is the author of three chapbooks, and translates Dutch poetry.

Her collaborative book with Flower Conroy, And Scuttle My Balloon, is forthcoming from Pictureshow Press in 2025. Her translations from the Dutch of Lucas Hirsch’s Wu Wei Eats an Egg is forthcoming from Ben Yehuda press, also in 2025. Visit donnasmetz.com to learn more!