Love Calls Us Here
The divine meets us in the real world and nowhere else, Anderson suggests in these poems, coming without fanfare and often startling us with its
Chris Anderson is a Catholic deacon, poet, and retired professor of English living in Corvallis, Oregon. He grew up in Spokane, Washington, went to college at Gonzaga University, and attended graduate school at the University of Washington. After receiving a Ph.D. in English in 1983, he taught literature and writing for 38 years, 34 of them at Oregon State University. He retired in 2020. In 1997 he completed a Masters in Theology at Mount Angel Seminary and was ordained a deacon. Since then, he has served at St. Mary’s in Corvallis, as well as leading retreats and offering spiritual direction. He has written, co-written, or edited 14 previous books, including three books of creative nonfiction and three books of poetry. In 2016 Eerdman’s published a book drawn from his homilies and poems, Light When It Comes: Trusting Joy, Facing Darkness, and Seeing God in Everything. He and his wife, Barb, a retired pastoral associate, have lived for many years on the edge of the forest north of Corvallis. They have three children, four grandchildren, and two dogs. For more, see www.deaconchrisanderson.com
The divine meets us in the real world and nowhere else, Anderson suggests in these poems, coming without fanfare and often startling us with its
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